Crowdfund Campaign for The Photo-Diaries of Mick Williamson


A crowdfund campaign is started in order to raise the profile of extraordinary photographer, Mick Williamson.

Mick Williamson, who has been called the Samuel Pepys of Photography, has been photographing the world through his half frame camera for nearly 50 years now, taking at least one roll of film everyday, sometimes as many as five.

He photographs on a half frame camera which takes 72 pictures on film, rather than 36 and has built up an amazing Archive of over 2 million images. This work takes the form of what he calls his Photo-Diaries. Beautifully crafted black and white photographs that document his life as he moves through the world. 

Untitled, from the ‘Photo-Diaries’ by Mick Williamson

Untitled, from the ‘Photo-Diaries’ by Mick Williamson

The campaign was started by Rob Morris and several other people who have benefited from his love and support over the years, in an attempt to raise awareness, enable a greater knowledge and understanding of this wonderful body of work.

The goal is to raise £12,000 in order to fund the completion of a film about his work, the publishing of a book of his Photo-diaries and to fund an exhibition of his work in several venues around the UK.

Elliott Gallery