Elliott Gallery Celebrates Artwork Acquisition by Hood Museum of Art, USA


Elliott Gallery is thrilled to announce that Billiew and Paduey, 2022 by David van Dartel, has been officially acquired by the Hood Museum of Art in New Hampshire, USA.

Biliew and Paduey, 2022

The Hood Museum of Art, located at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, is a distinguished institution known for its diverse and expansive collection. With over 65,000 objects spanning various cultures, time periods, and artistic styles, the museum is dedicated to fostering education and cultural understanding through art. The Hood Museum not only showcases significant works from around the world but also plays a vital role in the academic and cultural life of the Dartmouth community, offering visitors a unique opportunity to engage with art in a deeply meaningful way.

At Elliott Gallery, we are passionate about discovering and supporting amazing talent, connecting contemporary art with the right people, and making sure these pieces find a lasting home where they can be appreciated by a wide audience. The inclusion of Biliew and Paduey, 2022 in the Hood Museum's collection, after David van Dartel’s first exhibition in New York, is a clear reflection of our commitment.

Elliott Gallery