We are thrilled to announce the finalists for our Open Call for Exhibition Proposals. The selection process took longer than anticipated due to the overwhelming number of high-quality applications we received from talented photographers worldwide.

Our jury was impressed by the diversity and creativity displayed in the submissions, making the decision exceptionally challenging. After careful consideration, we have selected a group of outstanding finalists whose proposals stood out.

We extend our gratitude to all the photographers who participated and shared their inspiring work. Your enthusiasm and creativity have been truly inspiring, and we appreciate your patience throughout this process.

The shortlisted finalists will be contacted shortly, in order to arrange a short online meeting, where they will present their work to us. Two of the finalists will have the opportunity to exhibit their work at our gallery, while the third winner’s exhibition will be featured digitally on our Artsy profile & website. A dedicated page on our website will follow soon, to present the works of our talented finalists.

Please, find below our finalists (alphabetical order):


Alex Currie, Infrastructure of Artifice

Amy Touchette, Street Dailies

Andrés de Varona, TRIALS

Guido de Bruin

Iris Maria Tusa, Tresholds

Junying Zhang, The Body Keeps the Score

Liam Bailey

Lieke Zweekhorst, A man and his horse

Matthew Ludak, Nothing Gold Can Stay

Mohamed Hassan, Our Hidden Room

Rod Morris, Still Films

Vasil Shterev, Champs


Stay tuned for further updates as we collaborate with these talented finalists to bring their exceptional photography exhibitions to life. Thank you once again to everyone who contributed!

Elliott Gallery