Elliott Gallery participates in OAWE 2023


Elliott Gallery is excited to be part of Open Ateliers Westelijke Eilanden 2023, the oldest and most extraordinary art route in Amsterdam. On the 27th, 28th and 29th of May 2023, between 12:00 and 18.00, Artists, Studios & Galleries from the ‘Westelijke Eilanden’ will open their doors to the public.

‘Open Ateliers Westelijke Eilanden’ was founded in 1985 and it is considered to be a particularly special route, as in this beautiful and quiet part of the city, more artists can be found per area, compared to the rest of the Netherlands.

These ‘Westelijke Eilanden’ (Bickers-eiland, Prinsen-eiland, and Realen-eiland) are part of the 3rd city expansion of Amsterdam, built around 1615, together with the canals, the Jordaan and the Haarlemmerdijk.

The route of OAWE includes the areas of Bickerseiland, Prinseneiland, Realeneiland, Nieuwe Teertuinen, Haarlemmerbuurt, Westerdok en Zeeheldenbuurt. Find the map, with all the participants, here.

Elliott Gallery